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Our Consulting Manager

Patricio Muñoz, Engineer and Master in Computer Science by profession, entrepreneur and innovator, specialized as a senior management coach for government structures and IT strategic planning, with more than 20 years of experience facilitating access to non-IT management technology, such as financial, operational, commercial, product and service development areas.

Estructura blanca

About LOF

Our company was born in 1995, dedicated to management consulting and integration of IT systems and platforms, taking charge of forming professional teams to evaluate and develop business solutions with the introduction of technology, mainly in ERP areas such as Human Resources, Remunerations ,  Finance, Accounting, Billing, Purchasing   Fixed Assets among others.

In the short term LOF saw that the solution needs far exceeded the technological dimension, and it became necessary to create multidisciplinary teams developing new skills in its professionals to design business solutions that were up to the real needs of its  clients addressing more  specialized solutions.

Currently the new forms of collaboration and the massification of teleworking impose each day with more force  an interdisciplinary vision when facing the operational, management and innovation strategy in organizations. Social networks, digital communities, mobility, electronic sales, cloud computing and artificial intelligence are just one example of the change.

In this new context, LOF positions itself as a company capable of articulating collaborative teams, linking the areas of technology and innovation with the commercial, marketing, product development, financial, accounting, and operational areas to contribute through high-standard consulting services to the current problem. of customer satisfaction processes, always seeking to improve productivity,  efficiency and increased profitability of companies.

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